May 30, 2011 is our 32nd anniversary, and Les has known that for about seven months or so that I've been wanting to "move up" to a triathlon specific bike. I've been reading and researching different manufacturers, specifications, reading reviews, talking to other triathletes, looking at bikes in the transition areas at the triathlons. Basically, I've done a research paper on triathlon bikes. I am at heart, a school girl who studies stuff before she makes a decision. Les had been in Albuquerque for some work training this week and noticed that EVERY bike shop was having serious sales this weekend, so he decided that this was the perfect anniversary present, so off we go to Albuquerque for a shopping adventure on Saturday.
Now you need to understand that this is a serious adventure. It necessitates me packing my own bike pedals, my helmet, my bike shoes and my gloves, because I am going to have the bike sales person put my pedals on every bike I try, and I am going to take every bike on a test ride. When I say every bike, that is almost what it seems like. Now this may seem excessive to you, it may seem excessive to Les, but to the bike sales clerks it is not excessive behavior for triathletes. We are the type A, obsessive, compulsive folks and they know we are going to buy when we find the "right" thing, IF they have the right thing. Les is so patient with the whole affair. Ultimately, I find the beauty pictured above at Sports Systems where they are having a "10% off everything bike related for women" sale. Lovely and it makes the purchase even more palatable. The expert bike fitting guy is not in on Saturday, but they were able to get the basics in place for me and I have been able to ride for the last couple of days; it is like riding the wind. My average speed on my road bike for most rides has been about 14.5 mph. On the new tri bike it has been about 16, and that floors me. I really would not think the technology of the bike would make that much difference when the primary factor is the engine (me).
So all of this researching and thinking made me think about the decision I made 32 years ago to marry Les. See, we only dated 9 months and then we got married. We were the first of our "set" to get married and all of our friends thought we were rushing and our marriage was doomed. Certainly we were too young, why I was only 19 and Les was only 20, what could we know? We knew we were going to marry each other three months after we started dating. Gosh, that seems so impulsive for someone who researched for seven months before she bought a new bike. How do I reconcile these two behaviors? Where does the symmetry come in? I know that when I was dating Les, I knew that he loved Jesus more than life itself and that this was also true for me; but would that be enough? I knew he loved me more than he loved himself and that this was also true for me; but again, would that be sufficient?
When Les asked me to marry him, I told him I had a very important and personal question I had to ask him. He drew himself up, was very serious and readied himself to answer. I asked, "When you are alone, do you ever get bored?"
He looked at me and laughed, and answered,"No, never. I can always find something to do and I've never been bored in my life. Why would that be your serious question?"
I told him, "Well, I figure I can be entertaining for a few years, but if I am supposed to be the dancing monkey girl for a lifetime, we are both in trouble. I am just not that much fun." I really don't know why that seemed like such a big deal to me when I was 19, but I was just worried that it would be my job to entertain Les for a lifetime.
It has been my pleasure to love him, to support him, to care for him, to nurture him, to be there for him, to adore him, and to enjoy activities with him, and yes, even entertain him. But fortunately he has also been able to do many of those things for himself (and me) over the last 32 years as well. I like being married to Les Miller. He is one wonderful man. He brings me joy every day and he brings me closer to the Lord every day. I hope we get at least another 32 years together before the Lord calls us home.
I guess I didn't know you had a blog! Glad to find it posted on Facebook. Nice new ride! Adding your blog to my reading list. :) Congrats to you an Mr. Miller. ♥