A Little Whining, A Little Ranting

I had a funny thing happen this morning.  I've been working like crazy for the last three months or so to improve my 5k (3 mile) running time.  My best time through September was just under 45 minutes.  I asked one of the coaches what I needed to do to improve my time, read articles, and have done all kinds of stuff based on that information.  I've read books, I've run intervals, I've done drills, I've purchased new shoes, I've changed my running style, I've purchased a little beeper that helps me run so many steps per minute so I get a faster cadence and have a "faster turnover rate."  Oh, I am deeply into the science of running.  I have worked at this at least three days a week for months.  Today, forty-five minutes to run three miles. Yep, the same 45 minutes it took me in September.  I went home and told Les how bummed I was.  He looked at me and said, "No whining.  Aren't you faster than any other 51 year old woman you know?"

"Well, not any of the other triathletes I know.  They can all do at least 10 or 12 minute miles, or better on a 5k," I told him.

"Are you faster than you were when you were 20?  Can you run further than you could when you were 20?", he asked.

"Yeah,"  I had to honestly respond, "But, I've been working so hard to try to get to where I can run three 12 minute miles. In a row.  On the same day.  One after another."  Even I could hear the high pitched whine in my voice now.   "Today my max heart rate was 177 and my average heart rate for the 45 minutes was 144, but I still only averaged 15 minutes miles.  I am still so darned slow."

Les asked, "How much longer could you have gone at that pace?"

"Oh, at least another hour, though I would have to slow to a walk when I take drinks since I am not coordinated enough to run and drink at the same time.  I can run a quarter mile at a 12 mile pace, but that is all, then I have to slow down to my regular pace," I explained.

"Do you really want to continue this conversation? Must I escalate the mocking?" Les asked.  "I have the skills.  I can mock you even more mercilessly, or you can quit whining.  Are you or are you not more fit than you've ever been in your life?"

"More fit," I answered, "and no more mocking is needed.  I am appropriately chagrined, and I will go take my shower now."

I still want to be able to run a 5K in 36 minutes......  I am not sure if I should relegate this to the dream deferred list or not.  So I went to work and asked the two principals, who are both coaches, how I could get my speed up on my five K.

Mr. McMath said, "Run downhill.  It will teach your legs to stretch out and you will learn how to run faster.  Of course finding hills to run down here is not that easy."

Well, I could get Les to drive me to the top of seven mile hill, and I could run home.  The only real draw back is that it is all pavement and that is hard on my knees, but at this point, I am about willing to try anything.  So, now you know what I am thinking about doing on the next decent weather day on a Saturday or a Sunday...... You may see me on the side of the road, trying to prove something to myself.  Trying to see if there is anyway I can do three miles in 36 minutes.  Yes, I realize 7 mile hill is more than 3 miles, but I do have to get at least one long run in each week  anyway since I've got the 1/2 marathon in Roswell on the 26th of February.

My other plan is to get outside, on the track, once the weather is nice, and run like a bear is chasing me and see if I can do three mile in less than 40 minutes.  I just believe I must be able to do it.

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